Thursday 29 December 2011

Ashok Bahirwani’s Open letter: to the friendly reporter of Mumbai Mirror, Deeptiman Tiwary.

Dear Deeptiman ji,
Re: Your News Report dated Saturday December 24th2011 in Mumbai Mirror.
You must have realized by now that I am a very sensitive person and I hate to contradict anybody, but I am forced to contradict your above subject impugned article simply because it is full of misinformation and is far from realities. Allow me to demonstrate as below:
1. I on behalf of the almost 12.5 lakh Speakasian panelist deplore and object vehemently the Headline of your subject article.
It isillegalon your part to call or term Speakasia a Fraud multi level marketing company. I find myself duty bound to explain through this communication that Speakasia is NOT, yes Sir.
I repeat, Speakasia is no way a MULTI LEVEL MARKETING COMPANY.
2. It is illegal, and you Mr. Deeptiman Tiwary, are indulging in the highest form of Contempt of Court, because you are raking up a non issue especially more dangerously when it is sub judice in the Hon. High Courts and before the Hon. Supreme Court.
3. You Mr. Deeptiman Tiwary are jumping the gun and pronouncing a genuine company to be guilty even before the company has been charged of any charges in any legal forum.
You are guilty Mr. Tiwary of violating the pristine basic tenements of the Judiciary System of India which clearly states “that every individual/entity is innocent until proven guilty”.
I now try and deal with your said article para to para herein below:

a) At the onset I vehemently object to you calling Speakasia a fraud multi level company and there are no 23 lakh Indians who are part of Speakasia. Mr. Tiwary you are hallucinating and everything you report is a result of your hallucination and is therefore exaggerated out of proportion.
b) Sorry to say Mr., the report goes on to point out later, that the investigation has been done by some unknown Blog by the name BehindMLM and as such it will be wrong on your part to say “Crime Branch gathers evidence… etc”
c) It is wrong to say that the CEO Mr. Manoj Kumarji has been wanted for almost a year; in fact it’s only since end of July that Mr. Manoj Kumar has been abroad which makes it about 5 months and not a year. See why I say that you are in a hallucinating mode Sir.
d) It surprises me no end when I read that a premier investigating agency like the EOW bases its statements on the findings of an unknown Blog. That to without investigating the antecedents’ or the background of the owner of the Blog.
e) It is sad to note that you have till now not cared to understand the business model of Speakasia. If you had cared to understand the model I am sure you would not have reported that the Mr. Colibri functions on the same model as Speakasia.
f) The statement that Admatrix was heavily involved in the operations of Speakasia is false and baseless. I strongly condemn this statement.
g) In July this year the EOW arrested our COO Mr. Tarak Bajpai ji and five others. Interesting to note here is that Mr. Bajpai was the sole company official of SAOL, the other arrested persons were associates, but none a company official.
h) As we know by now that you have no knowledge about the Speakasia Business Model. I will not debate with you on the part, where you try and explain how someone by subscribing to the E Magazine earns 52.000/- etc. Mr. Tiwary the returns were all subject to a panelist partaking in the activities of the company. There was and is NO return on Investment here.
i) It is not the case of any complainant including Mr. Navneet Khosla that the company did not pay them before May 12th2011. We all know why none of us is being paid by the company post 12thMay, 2011 and more specifically after May 24th, 2011 resulting out of the impugned circular by the RBI dated 23rdMay, 2011, and needs no comment from my side.
j) You further go on to say that the company was running a huge investment fraud amounting to the tune of Rs. 2000 crores. If you Mr. Tiwary and the investigating authorities are going to look at the entire matter with jaundiced eyes do we have any chance to show reason or make you look at logic. Sadly NO. I know the futility of my next statement but then I am duty bound to keep on trying to make everybody look at the correct state of affairs. Mr. Tiwary there is no INVESTMENT here and hence there cannot be any INVESTMENT FRAUD. I know for sure you do not agree with me.
k) You go on to say in your next para that after months of the trail running cold the EOW received info about Mr. Colibri when BehindMLM contacted them. I am sure this is the resultant factor of the new found friendship between Mr. Khosla and Mr. Ozsoapbox of BehindMLM.
l) Allow me to stray away from your article for a moment, I was informed recently, that Mr. Khosla has been quite active on BehindMLM.
Ozsoapbox the owner of the Blog is heavily influenced by Mr. Navneet Khosla who keeps on giving him various inputs. Mr. Ozsoapbox has NO or miniscule little knowledge of the Indian Judicial system.
m) The EOW ought to have fully investigated the ownership of the company Mr. Colibri before putting across this news article. No company ever puts up the name of their investors the website of all companies only speaks about the promoters or owners. The ownership of Mr. Colibri can be checked and got confirmed by visiting the ROC in Brazil. Maybe the EOW can take help of Mr. Ozsoapbox who is now the defecto investigator for EOW.
n) The EOW has sadly been misguided and misinformed. They have been led down the garden path by some unknown blogger who in turn reports, based on another unknown and unsubstantiated blogger a story, which in the final analysis turns out to be hogwash. Funny utterly funny and this particular blogger besides cooking up unsubstantiated lies about Speakasia now seems to even fraudulently cooks up stories.
o) Even it is true that Mr. Colibri had indeed used the source code of Admatrix or not how does it affect us Speakasians. SAOL has no connection with Admatrix or with Mr. Colibri, what so ever.
What is achieved by this news report is quite clear at least to all Speakasians. This report was published only to thwart the Mediation Process of the Supreme Court and more dangerously to create bias and to prejudice the minds o the authorities against the company. This once again exposes the nexus between the EOW and the media which is dangerously using their power to feed falsehood and negativity to the public in general and aimed at prejudicing the minds of the Judiciary.
I wish to draw your attention Mr. Tiwary that if you are able to succeed in your sinister plan of negatively impacting the Speakasia matter you will be doing a great disservice to the interest of over 12.5 lakh Speakasians whose basic primary constitutional right to earn a livelihood will be effected.
Mr. Tiwary it will not be out of place to mention here that each and every Indian who has joined the Speakasia model has joined this model to earn money to enhance their lifestyle. The EOW’s contention that panelists who have made huge earnings are part of the management is baseless and far from the truth. Some Panelists have made huge earnings only because they have been associated with the Model for a longer duration and were able to take part in the business activities for a longer time. Panelist like me who have not earned any money is simply because we joined the model just before the model was forced to temporarily shut down.
We the Speakasian Panelists have been shouting from every roof top that we are all law abiding citizens of India and we are ourselves interested to know the actual fact of the entire Speakasian matter.
What we do not understand is:
· Why are our payments not being allowed? Especially when the company has been pleading that they want to pay us panelists. Surely pending all investigations the company can be allowed to pay us panelists. In any case the entire matter is about safeguarding the monies of the Panelists.
· The EOW has been on record in the past before various Courts to say that they are trying to protect the interest of the Panelist. Then why now do they want to arrest the Panelists?
· How long do we have to wait to see the end of the investigations? Is there no time limit to such an investigation especially when it affects such a large number of people?
Speakasians we can see that the Media has been and will continue to report the matter in a one sided manner. We need to understand that this is the time we need to be more strongly united and stand shoulder to shoulder to get past these last few laps before we taste victory.
Anna Hazare is in Mumbai; I seek his apology and alter his famous saying:
Dil diya hai… giraftari bhi denge… aye Speakasia tere liye…
Jai Speakasia,
Jai Speakasia,
Jai Speakasia.
Morya… Bhai Morya
Proud to be Speakasian,
Ashok Bahirwani

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