Friday, 21 October 2011

Speak Asia is Preparing to Take Revenge After Getting Favourable Judgement In Supreme Court

After getting a success in supreme court in the matter of releasing a payment to its vendor and panelist.

Speakasia is all sets up to take revenge from particular agencies .

First of all I would like to draw the attention on the cases which are on speakasia .

1.First case was register against speakasia in Andhrapradesh by some ngo called corporate fraud .

2.In mumbai the economic offense wing mumbai had register a FIR against speakasia .

All these criminal cases were filed only for one thing that the respondent had not get payment in speakasia.
And we all know why speakasia was not able pay to their panelist because RBI and some other vested competitor of speakasia had  shut down the accounts of speakasia in singapore and as well as in India.In India we all know the banks have freezed speakasia accounts due to RBI precautionary circullar and CID of hyderabad .

This was the scene  how speakasia get into trouble I will not focus on previous issue i will directly discuss about the future plans of speakasia .

After getting a moral support from supreme court speakasia had filed a petition against CID and EOW
in different courts .

Against EOW speakasia had filed a  criminal petition at 15 october in which the main prayer was for queshing FIR .

Against cCID andhrapradesh speakasia ahd went in supreme court and have filed Specail Leave Petition(criminal) 7509 -7510 this petition was filed at 18th october by speakasia .

And speakasia had also had filed a case against star news in high court also .

All the above steps taken by speakasia jsut shows that speakasia is in mode of offensive after sensing a possible victory after the judgement of supreme court speakasia had started to take revenge .I m hopefull that the in the matter of eow at bombay highcourt speakasia will defenetly win for sure because the case was on spekasia was for only that speakasia had stopped payement .And this case had no chance to stand tall against speakasia because speakasia is all set to start the payment to the panelist when the payment will start the FIR will ultimetly closed and in the investigation of EOW . EOW had able to find just one thing correct that speakasia had paid 1058 crores to its panelist . and it is very true .If paying to panelist is offense then yes speakasia had did this and speakasia had not voilated any rules under indian law .

The final conclusion to all above facts just show the guaranteed victory of speakasia .EOW mumbai in his limited 90 days of investigation time EOW mumbai was unable to find any strong evidence against speakasia .And cid andhrapradesh has yet to file any charges agaist speakasia.

And  when the cid get slapped in supreme court then there will be no fear of arrest for any officials of speakasia .And when eow was unable to find any criminal charges against speakasia it simply mean that RBI will not take any precautionary step again and hence mca may also give a registration soon .And hence speakasia in the end will overcome evry odds and will become a biggest corporate house in india ,it was a message which was unofficially given to us by CEO manoj kumar .

Always remember the great words from tarak vajpayee we are bount to win and we will defenetly win .And this famous sentence is going to be happen soon .So i will also say we the panelist also bound to support speakasia and we will always support speakasia as a family .

Jai speakasia

proud to be speakasian

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