Sunday, 16 October 2011

Ashok Bahirwani's Updates: 16 october 2011

Good evening speakasians,        

There seems to be some confuison amonst the panelist family pertaining to clarifications of th RBI,in an RTI matter of Mr.Swapnil Kumar.

I make an attempt to clarify the exact situation under:
The RBI circulated a "CAUTIONARY CIRCULAR" vide cirucllar No.DBS.CO.PPD NO. 16237/11.01.005/2010-2011 Dated may 23 addressed to the chairman/chief executive of all scheduled commercial banks asking the baks to adhere to the KYC/AML guidelines  while opening and conducts of the account of multilevel marketing firms.

The RBI erred in drawing the name of  speakasia to make an example an example of business model.

The RBI passed the following directions issued to the scheduled banks:

We advice that banks should be more careful in opening and operating accounts for such schemes specifically the type of business and inherent risk associated with such activity.

Further , we advise that banks will be held responsible for losses incurred by customers by way of deposits in remttances from such accounts if they are found to be in violation of regulations ,KYC/AML and/or other regulatory/statutory requirements.

Banks are advised to be extra careful and may also improve theis existing KYC/AML drill and transaction sanctity to examine the business practices of prospective customers so as to ensure that no unauthorized/illegal activity is being carried out.

Existing accounts may be reviewed to ascertain and ensure that these are not related to  unauthorized/ prohibited/ illegal schemes   .Furthe ,adherence to requirements under FEMA 1999,other applicable stattory/regulatory requirements and KYC/AML compliance in the strictest form needs to be ensured

Failure to adhere to the regulatory restrictions will invite supervisory action.

The tone and tenor of the RBI circullar had scared the banks away : no bank wants to find itself as going against the dictates of RBI .No bank is in a position to face the wrath of the RBI so the banks took a non controversial stand and started to reject any remisttance arising out of speakasia into their panelists account.

Yes the RBI is technically correct when it says that it had not passed any circullar seizing  or freezing of any account but by passing such strict instructions they had compelled the banks not to touch any speakasian transaction.This act of the banks constituted to a debit freeze because of which  none of the panelist has received any remittance by the company.

This  particular RTI of MR. Swapnil Kumar which is in question is full of technical errors and he has missed a golden opportunity to have  forced proper answers from the RBI e.g.  he has relied on the letter written by our chairperson and Global CEO Mrs. Harendra Kaur but the daye is wrongly put as !(th August 2011 whereas the letter from Mrs Kaur  under ref .No.SAOL/IND/RBI/06 is in fact dated 5th august 2011.We have to understand that nobody nowadays manually finds documents as everything is system generated and the RBI may have made a search for SAOl letter dated 19 August no match found ... end of querry.

What is the positive I see in the RTI reply? I draw your collective attention to pont of the rply .The RBI is on record to say that it met the company representatives and the company has urged the RBI not to trat their business model as a MLM operation or term it as Money Circulation Scheme .The RBI HAS NOT REFUTED the request of the company and actually is on record to state that the RBI has advised the company to adhere strictly to the FEMA guidelines as framed by the RBI.

I see this a hugely positive answer on two counts as follows:-

1. The RBI has not rejected the plea of the company which  is that it should not be viewed as an MLM operation neither has it made any comment on the company's stand that it not be viewed as money circulation scheme.

2.The RBI has advised the company to follow the FEMA guidelines as formulated by the RBI .The company to follow the FEMA guidelines as formulated by the RBI. The company is fully confidence that it has not violated any guideline in fact the company SAOl is fully confident that they have adhered fully to the FEMA guidelines to the 'T'.

There was news of MR. Navneet Khosla making an applocation for intervention in the associations PIL. This has not been dealt with and at present is an

application pending before the Hon.court for due consideration.This is not a new or a fresh PIl: it is an attempt of an aggrieved party seeking intervention.The law will deal as they feel fit.

Today we saw .two news reports ,one carried by CNN TBN. and the other by ZEE BUSINESS.I attempt to analyze bot as under:-

The CNN IBN report showed how the panelists represented by over 225 panelists represented by Mr.Solomon James and Pankaj Mishra have moved the HOn.Supreme Court seeking intervention of the Hon. Supreme court to see taht over 150 crores freezed on the shores of the Indian Union be brought under the purview .

1.Hon .Supreme  court registry and under the guidence of th Hon.Cout be distributed amongst the panelist family .

2.he petitioners have further prayed before the Hon .Court to pass orders to the company saol  to give details of the entire dues of the panelists  earned by them through RP's and order the company to bring the entire dues of the panelists to the Hon.Supreme court registry for disbursement amongst the panelist fraternity.

3.Pertinent and important to note here is that the compnay SAOl has gone on record and filed their affidavit confirming their intention to birng in the entire dues of the panelists and their desire to deposit the entire dues of entire earnings as date of all the panelsits with Hon.Supreme Court.

4.The Zee Business  report was yet another attempt of lazy journalism trying to hash up once againd ,old and unsubstantiated news and present it as NEW .why di o say.

a.Tht reporter Mr.Amul reports that the compaany has been in communication with tha panelsit over the last two days introducing the EXIT OPTION.This clearly shows that the reprt was filed sometine in early September when the company actually launched the EXIt POLICY through their Blog Spot WHY THE ZEE BUSINESS BUREAU PREFERED TO RELEASE AN OLDER REPORT AS NEW IS BEYOND MY COMPREHENSION

b. The report goes on to explain the business model of the company in a malicious manner both by the anchor and lady reporter .Their report is full of wrong reporting which seems motivated against the company.To discuss the gravitas of the anchor and the reporter is below my dignity .I condemn the entire report whole heartedly and i am itching to report this misreporting to the correct forum .

c.What amuses me most is that the reporter Mr.Amul has interacted with me in the past , he has my cell number and as the secretary of AISPA he could  have .if he wanted called me to seek clarification on the issue of EXIT POLICY but then that would have costed him a phine call ,and lazy journalists are not known to do any research  we speakasians are privy to such laziness over the last 5 months.

Friends ,Fellow Speakasians tomorrow our matter is going to be before the Hon.Supreme court and once again we are all hoping to get major relief from this apex forum .It is good to have hope but to rely completely on hope is wrong .I only request my fellow Speakasians brethren,please for god sake do not please,do not pin your hope entirely on any one major movement .we have took at the entire movement at a macro level.We need to detach our emotions and take a professional decision based on hard realities and facts .

What makes a person successful? I think it is the keyto success.he seven(7)P's

Please allow me to list the seven 'P's whixh i will explain another day,and the seven P's are as follows:

. Purpose

. Persistence

. Patience

. Positivity

. Passion

. Personality

. PLeasance

A successful and a satisfied  proud Speakasian is the one who has all the seven P's in him/her.

I once again urge all my Speakasian brethern/family to have implicit faith in the company, have patience and above all trust your company.

Remember to be Speakasian...actually very proud.

jai SPeakasia

Ashok Bahirwani



proud to be speakasian

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