Saturday, 10 December 2011

Ashok Bahirwani’s Updates: 10th December, 2011.

Good Morning Speakasians,

It has been a very difficult 16 days since our President Mr. Melwyn Crasto was picked up in the morning of 24th November, 2011 and illegally arrested by the EOW Mumbai. Melwyn continues to languish in jail, paying the price, for daring to give a voice to all us Speakasians.

I have been living under constant threat and fear of my own personal liberty for these last 16 days.

Yesterday i.e. Friday 9th December, 2011 was the day when we thought Melwyn would finally go home, but alas it was not to be, the Learned Magistrate has posted the matter to Monday the 12th December, 2011 for orders. Mr. Ashish Dandekar was, as expected, further remanded to police custody till 15th December, 2011.

In The Mumbai High Court three matters were listed as follows:

1. SAOL v/s State of Maharashtra CRWP 3210/2011 for quashing of the Raigad FIR.

2. SAOL v/s State of Maharashtra CRWP 3211/2011 for quashing of the Thane FIR.

3. AISPA v/s State of Maharashtra CRWP 3611/2011 against the atrocities of EOW.

The daily board at the High Court was postponed to Monday. On the submission of our senior counsel Adv. Shrikant Bhat and showing respect to his seniority, the Hon. Court agreed to hear the AISPA matter at the end of the board. The Matter was finally heard after 5.00 pm. No small achievement this.

During the hearing it was felt that for better and larger protection of all the panelists, some amendments were required and as such the matter has been adjourned to Wednesday 14th December, 2011.

We all know of the upcoming Mediation meeting before the Hon’ble Mr. Justice Lahoti ji. I wish to once again draw your collective attention that it is the desire of the learned Lahoti ji that the entire matter be not published and made public.

This mediation process is a closed door mediation process therefore I urge my Speakasian family not to be too inquisitive about the regular updates on this meeting.

We all should be more interested in the final outcome, which I am sure will be in our favour, ushering in our collective victory.

Let me once again remind all my family members that AISPA has been relentlessly working for the common good of the Panelists in general. All actions and movements undertaken for the larger interest of the panelist have been decided after thorough discussion within the legal team. This is team work at its best and no decision, yes I repeat, no decision is taken individually.

I once again bring to your attention that AISPA is duty bound to take all such steps that will benefit the larger interest of the Speakasian family. AISPA is not going to be stopped in their track either by the authorities or any disgruntled and misinformed group within the family.

There are various groups, sub groups and individuals who have been overtly and covertly working to strengthen this fight of Speakasians for the ultimate victory of SAOL. I thank all of them.

All of them know that their suggestions and advice have always been incorporated and factored into the decision making process.

AISPA does not back out neither does it bow down before illogical and unsubstantiated demands of anybody who does not see the bigger picture and who does not talk of the larger interest of all Speakasians.

“He who cannot reason is a fool. He who will not reason is a bigot. He who dares not is a slave.”

….W. Drummond

I live in optimism, I dream every day of a better tomorrow for my Speakasian family.

I have dedicated my present for the better future of my family and for the entire Speakasian Family.

I have no time to delve in the past. That is the luxury I cannot afford.

I once again call upon you to remain patient, have faith, and trust the company.

Jai Speakasia,

Jai Speakasia,

Jai Speakasia…..

Ashok Bahirwani

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