Saturday, 15 October 2011


First of all i would like draw your attention about the most awaited hearing of supreme court .Which is expexted to be happen at 17 october .There are many question that comes in the minds of every speakasian what will happen on that day will spekasian get another day for waiting .As all of us are waiting for last few weaks a day of hearing come and went away due to some suspicious activities .Like some times judge get transferred and sometime judge were not able to present in court .  All these thing just which have had happen in the past had let some worry about what will happen at  17 october will speakasia get a new date .

In order to understand what can happen at supreme court we must know something briefly whcih are going in the back side of speakasia .means there are many thing happening behind the scenes .

1. As we all know that speakasia had have a meeitng with rbi and no one knows what had happen in that meeting but it is sure that rbi  had agreed on the business model of speaksia. and hence they ahve guided speakasia how to resolve this issue leaglly so rbi had adviced speakasia to show there factfull evidence to agency which actually watch the fema acts that is called as ED (enforcement directorate ) and the meeting with ED had happen and till today the meeting was successful so in other words the payement procedure can also start with the cleanchit from rbi or ed .

2. Now we will discuss about the supreme court hearing Which is at 17th october .One PIL was Filed by some senior panelist In Delhi Supreme Court :
SOLOMON JEMES & & ORS  WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 383 of 2011 " Supreme Court of India  " Filled on 9 September, 2011 its Hearing will Be Now on this pil was filed by some senior panelist the main paryaer in this pil was to get the money back which speakasia promisses to give us back .And the main point in this is at 9 sep this pil was filed and at that day a summons were send to rbi ,finance ministry,and speakasia .
and they haveben asked to rply what is the reason behind not getting payement .And till today only speakasia was able to rply to supreme court and all others haven't filed there rply yet but this is not a matter of concern the main matter comes now at 12 october there was a hearing  in supreme court to prepond the dates of hearing and in that hearing petitioners lawyer have strongly argued with lots of facts and hence supreme court had passed another verdict in which supreme court had given final chance to rbi to give there rply. if rbi able to file rply till monday then its good otherwise supreme court intention is very clear .If rbi not take action then supreme court will pass a favourable judgement in favour of panelsit .

In short we must wait for monday two thing can happen may be rbi can give a gateway to speakasia to release payement to panelist otherwise the supreme court defenetly will give a decision in favour of panelist so just hold your breathe till moday we will win for sure . the good news will defenetly will come. 

proud to be speakasia 

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